pronounced om-BEE-ga-ZAY, meaning this is noisy – is a collaboration between Zoon (Daniel Monkman) and Status/Non Status (Adam Sturgeon), Anishnaabe artists who explore their cultural histories through sound.
an amalgam of their Indigenous heritages and personal musical architectures, Daniel and Adam imbue their lyrics with their families’ storytelling, revealing truths and finding common ground amidst their differences – a fusion of individuality – and a reflection on Adam and Daniel’s commitment to each other as collaborators and distinct members of community.
“Connecting” is the rousing new single by OMBIIGIZI, the project of Canadian duo Adam Sturgeon (Status/Non-Status) and Daniel Monkman (Zoon), sonic luminaries at the fore of the Anishnaabe revival.
An exultant anthem awash in searing guitar melodies and jangling rhythm, the track delves into themes of identity and agency within the context of the Indigenous experience. Sonically vibrant and erupting in raw emotion and ragged riffage, “Connecting” is propelled by the growing harmony and volume of Indigenous voices.